Clinical Diagnosis
Diagnosing cancer in its early stages often allows the best chance for a cure. With new and modern diagnostic strategies, optimal guidelines can be generated according to your case.
With this in mind, talk to me about which types of cancer screenings are best for you.

Physical exploration
The oncological physical examination, according to the suspicion of the primary site, allows to detect sites of metastasis. A comprehensive, specialized, and targeted physical examination should be performed as part of the cancer approach. During a physical examination, the doctor may look for abnormalities, such as changes in skin color or enlargement of an organ, presence of nodes, skin lesions that could indicate the presence of cancer and / or metastasis

Laboratory analysis
Laboratory tests, such as blood samples, body fluid urine among others, when properly analyzed can help identify abnormalities that may be caused by cancer and serve in the diagnosis, staging, follow-up, prognosis. Therefore, proper interpretation and indication are essential in the strategy against cancer. Some examples of these are: tumor markers, molecular alterations determined in blood (liquid biopsy), hormonal tests, etc.
The adequate indication of imaging studies, from the beginning of the suspicion of a cancer, is of vital importance to know the therapeutic options of the patients. Through these we can know the loco-regional and / or distance spread (metastasis) of the patients. These can consist of CT scans, bone scans, magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, ultrasound, and X-ray, among others.

The oncological diagnosis is given with certainty, with an exhaustive and adequate analysis, by a pathologist. This is done through the analysis of a tissue sample to analyze in the laboratory. The oncologist is a cornerstone in determining the type of sample, processes and pertinent indications that they need for an accurate diagnosis.
The biopsy procedure that is right for you depends on the type of cancer and its location. With the advent of new technologies there are different biopsies: conventional (tissue analysis), liquid biopsy (blood sample) which today is used to find out genetic alterations that provide therapeutic options. Our commitment to constant knowledge of medical trends and developments will allow us to seek appropriate and relevant strategies for your treatment.

Imaging tests
Importance of Diagnosis
Once the diagnosis is made, we will determine the stage of the cancer.
This allows to determine the treatment options and the possibilities of cure the cancer in a fast and timely manner.
Schedule an explorative assessment consultation to help you clarify doubts in this process.